Revista de Ergonomia

Revista de Ergonomia
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2165-7556


Um novo sistema integrado de desenvolvimento de modelos de segurança e saúde para as indústrias transformadoras: um caso da Etiópia

Kassu Jilcha

Purposed: The purpose of this study is to identify the most prominent occupational safety and health (OSH) improving factors from numbers of previous studies and develop a novel integrated OSH model that is suitable for manufacturing industries based on the factors identified. The triggering force toward this study is that OSH became a global issue in reference to sustainable development and capturing the attention of many scholars for a few years later. Research Methodology/Approach: In order to arrive on this unique model, different articles were reviewed, data were collected from 189 manufacturing industries through questionnaires, interviews, group discussions, experimental works, and field observation during the study period. Findings: The research finding identified six major factors based on the literature, primary data sources, and questionnaires. These identified factors such as knowledge diffusion, workplace innovation, OSH management, collaboration, proper technology utilization, and lean workplace. Thereby after each factor analyzed, they were integrated and interlocked to create a unique model for the OSH improvement. Originality/Value: The previous works were focused only on a single factor that solely investigates a single OSH improvement approach and it missed the other factors that hugely create another hole in the other part of the workplace safety and health accidents minimization strategies. Hence, this finding model was not considered in any kinds of literature so far. Conclusion: The model has a contribution for the practitioners to create awareness on employees, solve workplace hazards and accidents and increases organizational productivity as wellbeing improved with the integrated systems

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido com recurso a ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisto ou verificado.