Jornal de Hematologia e Doenças Tromboembólicas

Jornal de Hematologia e Doenças Tromboembólicas
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2329-8790


A Note on Thrombocytopenia

Swathi Lingannagari

Thrombocytopenia may be a condition during which you've got a platelet count. Platelets (thrombocytes) are colorless blood cells that help grume. Platelets stop bleeding by clumping and forming plugs in vessel injuries. Thrombocytopenia might occur as result of a bone marrow disorder like leukemia or a system problem. Or it is often a side effect of taking certain medications. It affects both children and adults. Thrombocytopenia is often mild and cause few signs or symptoms. In rare cases, the amounts of platelets are often so low that dangerous internal bleeding occurs. Treatment options are available.
