ISSN: 2167-7670
Somashekar SR
Automobile chassis play an important role in field such as automobile generation and transportation. Problem statement is identified and based on which the preliminary methodology is established. This project works with the structural analysis of an automobile structure and reducing the weight of the chassis. Chassis is one of the important part that used in automobile industry. It is a rigid structure that forms a skeleton to hold all the major parts together. Chassis frames are made of “steel section” so that they are strong enough to withstand the load and shock. Chassis must be light in weight to reduce dead weight on the vehicles. Major challenge in today's automobile vehicle industry is to overcome the increasing demands for higher performance, lower weight in order to satisfy fuel economy requirements, and longer life of components, all this at a reasonable cost and in a short period of time. The study is to produce results to rectify problems associated with structures of a commercial vehicle such as strength, stiffness and fatigue properties along with stress, bending moment and vibrations. This can be achieved by static and dynamic analysis, combining existing theoretical knowledge and advanced analytical methods. Design of a Chassis is carried out by using CATIA V5 .And finite element analysis will be carried out by using ANSYS 18.1 There are huge profit opportunities when it comes to automated transport systems. Smoother driving, increased lane capacity and the ability to drive in tight convoys are some of the advantages that will lead to increased transport efficiency. The most significant profits will probably be in the form of reducing harmful emissions and traffic deaths. However, with unmanned transport follows new challenges and these smart, autonomous and connected vehicles will give creative engineers and product developers a new freedom of design, allowing them to explore new chassis concepts. The objective is to develop a chassis which is anchored with modern requirements and futuristic research based on conventional chassis design methods in order to find an optimal solution for this specific vehicle. Literature studies have been conducted on future batteries, types of chassis, chassis materials, and optimal cross-sections. The chassis materials have also been analyzed from an environmental perspective and life cycle analysis (LCA). Based on this, it was found that the “skateboard” chassis model was optimal for the intended vehicle while Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) proved to be the most suitable material for the load-bearing structure. It is essential to keep in mind that this project has been carried out on a conceptual level within the framework of a degree project. This master thesis project aims to provide a solid benchmark for further development and research within the subject.