Pediatria e Terapêutica

Pediatria e Terapêutica
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2161-0665


Enterococcal Meningitis with Bilateral Subdural Effusion in a Healthy Young Infant

Vivek Kumar *,Y K Kiran ,Ashutosh Arya ,S P Singh ,Kiran Sodhi

Enterococcal infections though seen in neonates are rarity in healthy pediatric population. Patients with head injury, neurosurgery and enteric infections are predisposed for above infections. It is an unusual agent for meningitis in a healthy child. We report one such experience in a two month old healthy female infant who presented acutely with fever and cough of one day duration. She was admitted as acute respiratory infection but developed status epilepticus. Post stabilization a Lumbar puncture done showed features of bacterial meningitis while MRI brain showed bilateral subdural effusion. CSF culture grew enterococci sensitive to vancomycin, amikacin and linezolid. She was given appropriate antibiotics for four weeks. She did not require any surgery and recovered completely.
