Anais e Essências da Odontologia

Anais e Essências da Odontologia
Acesso livre

ISSN: 0975-8798, 0976-156X



Durgaprasad, Raju singamshetty, Boddu Naresh Kumar

Every orthodontists often appear to have conflicting treatment plans for the same patient. The reason is not that they see very different problems or have radically different philosophies of treatment, but rather that each doctor has a different line in the gray area between extractions and nonextraction. Two treatment plans that appear very different can both be based on a similar analysis of the patient’s problem, but end up with very different treatments due to the black and white nature of the decision making process.It is important to understand that in borderline cases there are no correct or right answers. Both treatments performed by competent orthodontists would produce a good result, but neither is perfect. Each option would have pros and cons, and orthodontists and dentists could (and do) spend endless amounts of time debating which option is “right”.
