ISSN: 2332-0761
Evangelia NM e Theodore C
With this study, we examine which combination of personal features and network features most influences the vote as well as which combination is most influenced in voting activity. People belong in networks and influence each other. We examine how intense is the influence on political behavior of the factors such as the gender, the type of the relationship in the network, the different spheres of action as well as the involvement in politics. We use the Conjoint Analysis method adopted from the discipline of marketing, where we can assess at the same time different factors via multidimensional analysis. This method examines representative combinations of factors that represent profiles of people. The respondents assess and prioritize the different voters’ profiles and scenarios of political influence revealing the mechanism with which the political influence is exerted in networks. The research took place in Greece. The sample consisted of 1.103 questionnaires collected. The current research methodology as well as the research design could be a useful tool in political campaigns, political consulting and political marketing because it permits professionals to measure and assess different parameters comparatively.