ISSN: 2165-7556
Sultão T Al-Otaibi
This article reviews the scientific research concerning occupational contact dermatitis and the related methods of prevention. The information provided herein clarifies some difficulties involved in the confirmation of diagnoses and creating strategies for prevention. Occupational skin diseases, most of which are contact dermatitis arising from exposure to a culpable agent, constitute more than 35% of all work-related disorders. Contact dermatitis can be classified as either the irritant or the unfavorably allergic type. Each type has an alternate pathogenesis, while the clinical presentation is the same. Once the hazardous elements that cause work-related contact dermatitis are identified, the dermatitis can be controlled in some patients. However, in other patients, it can be chronic and disabling. Failure to follow the outlined preventive programs will lead to high rates of occupational contact dermatitis.