Revista de Pesca e Aquicultura

Revista de Pesca e Aquicultura
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2150-3508


Topografia de superfície do aparelho adesivo anterior do parasita monogenético de guelras Diplectanum sp. diesing, 1858, com alguns critérios de superfície

Marwa Abou Hadied*, Abdel Aziz Khidr, Ola Abu Samak and Ashraf Said

Surface topography of anterior adhesive apparatus was studied of the gill monogenean parasite Diplectanum sp. Diesing, 1858 inhabiting the marine water fish Dicentrachus sp. using SEM. The study revealed that the parasite has three head lobes on each anterolateral region of the head; each lobe accommodates a single, ventrally located adhesive sac. These sacs receive secretion from glands openings that located on the lumen of these sacs. Rodshaped secretory bodies and granular irregularly shaped bodies which may be secretory bodies of the adhesive gland cells were seen open into the adhesive sacs. The tegument of the anterior adhesive area of Diplectanum sp. was characterized by many microvillous like structure. The possible functions of these distinctive features in the temporary attachment are discussed. Numerous adhesive papillae presumed sensory structures were found associated with the tegument of the anterior adhesive area and ventral surface of the body. A single ciliary structure supported by a collar of tegument occurs singly close to the mouth opening. It is suspected to be ciliated sensory ending serve to locate feeding sites. The possible functions of these presumed sensory structures were discussed. The parasite adaptation in its microhabitat in facing the strong water current inside the host fish gills was discussed

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