Pesquisa Florestal: Acesso Aberto

Pesquisa Florestal: Acesso Aberto
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2168-9776

Volume 4, Emitir 4 (2015)

Artigo de Pesquisa

Perspectives of Branching Pattern and Branching Density in 30 Woody Trees and Shrubs in Tamulipan Thornscrub, Northeast of Mexico

Maiti R, Rodriguez HGM, Aruna Kumari and Díaz JCG

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Artigo de revisão

Wildfire and Fire-adapted Ecology: How PeopleCreated the Current Fire Disasters

Caldararo N

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Long-Term Growth of Sierra Nevada Mixed Conifer in Response to Mechanized Thinning, Slash Mastication, and Prescribed Fire

Walker RF, Swim SL, Fecko RM, Johnson DW and Miller WW

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