Jornal de Proteômica e Bioinformática

Jornal de Proteômica e Bioinformática
Acesso livre

ISSN: 0974-276X

Volume 1, Emitir 8 (2008)

Artigo de Pesquisa

SELDI Based Proteomic Determination of Hepatic Biomarkers in Mouse Serum Following Acetaminophen Administration

Huixiao Hong, Candee Teitel, Laura P. James, Weida Tong, Jack A. Hinson, James C. Fuscoe and Yvonne Dragan

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Comparative Modeling and Analysis of 3-D Structure of EMV2, a Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein of Vigna Radiata (Wilczek)

Subramanian Rajesh, Muthurajan Raveendran and Ayyanar Manickam

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Apolipoprotein(a) Size and Lipoprotein(a) Concentrations in Patients with Good and Poor Coronary Collateral Flow - an Interrelation Discovered by Proteomic Screening of Pooled Plasma Samples

Daniel Stalder, Trinh Cung, Steffen Gloekler, Pascal Meier, Evelyn Schlappritzi, André Haeberli, Santica Marcovina, Christian Seiler and Manfred Heller

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Targeted SCX Based Peptide Fractionation for Optimal Sequencing by Collision Induced, and Electron Transfer Dissociation

Henk W.P. van den Toorn, Shabaz Mohammed, Joost W. Gouw, Bas van Breukelen and Albert J.R. Heck

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