Jornal de Química Física e Biofísica

Jornal de Química Física e Biofísica
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2161-0398

Volume 13, Emitir 5 (2023)


Surface-Bound DNA Hybridization: Connecting Biology and Nanotechnology

Chang Min Zhao*

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Surface-Bound DNA Hybridization: Connecting Biology and Nanotechnology

Chang Min Zhao*

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Surface-Bound DNA Hybridization: Connecting Biology and Nanotechnology

Chang Min Zhao*

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Photon-Gravity Interactions and the Theoretical Exploration of Antigravity Phenomena

Robert Hill Holstein*

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Photon-Gravity Interactions and the Theoretical Exploration of Antigravity Phenomena

Robert Hill Holstein*

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Comunicação curta

Antigravity in the Six Dimensional Space-Time

Seyed Kazem Mousavi*

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Comunicação curta

Antigravity in the Six Dimensional Space-Time

Seyed Kazem Mousavi*

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Photon-Gravity Interactions and the Theoretical Exploration of Antigravity Phenomena

Robert Hill Holstein*

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Comunicação curta

Antigravity in the Six Dimensional Space-Time

Seyed Kazem Mousavi*

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Mini Revisão

The Distortion and Quantization of the Earth’s Orbit

Zhong Cheng Liang*, Ning Na Chen

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Hypothetical Pathways on GlycoRNA Biochemistry

Santiago Alonso Gil*

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Mini Revisão

The Distortion and Quantization of the Earth’s Orbit

Zhong Cheng Liang*, Ning Na Chen

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Hypothetical Pathways on GlycoRNA Biochemistry

Santiago Alonso Gil*

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