Jornal Internacional de Avanços em Tecnologia

Jornal Internacional de Avanços em Tecnologia
Acesso livre

ISSN: 0976-4860

Conferência Internacional de Aerodinâmica | 18 a 19 de setembro de 2020 (webinar)

Resumo da Reunião Anual

Autonomous Lecture Capture in Undergraduate Aerodynamics: System Description, Demonstration, and Benefits for Traditional and Remote Instruction

Mark Nathaniel Callender Middle Tennessee State University, USA

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Resumo da Reunião Anual

Design and optimization of CBRN sensors for application to drones

Francesca Fumian Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy

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Resumo da Reunião Anual

Non-reactive transient LES investigations of an aerodynamic mixer suitable for pulsed detonation engines.

Andrei-Vlad Cojocea Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines, Romania

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Resumo da Reunião Anual

Importance of interaction between wildfires and surroundings through fluid dynamics

Rodman Linn Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

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Resumo da Reunião Anual

Multiscale Advances in Electroelastomers for Energy-Efficient and Controllable Shape Transformation

Richard J Spontak North Carolina State University, USA

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Resumo da Reunião Anual

Airplane ice accretion simulation with FlowVision CFD multiphase IceVision module

Dean Vucinic Vesalius College, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

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Resumo da Reunião Anual

On high-order simulations of high-speed flows and acoustics

Dimitris Drikakis

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