Jornal de Doenças Infecciosas e Medicina Preventiva

Jornal de Doenças Infecciosas e Medicina Preventiva
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2329-8731

Volume 6, Emitir 2 (2018)

Relato de caso

Liver Abscess Secondary to Fusobacterium nucleatum Infection in 15-year-old Male

Karen Hovsepyan, Deepa Mukundan and Rajat Kaul

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Molecular Epidemiology of Dengue Virus Genotype Circulation in Tamil Nadu, India, 2011-2014.

Senthil Raja Ramalingam, Sathiyamurthy Karupannan, Padmapriya Padmanaban, Senthilkumar Vijayan, Khallefathullah Sheriff, Gunasekaran Palani and Kaveri Krishnasamy

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Artigo de Pesquisa

A Microarray-Based Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Intracellular Brucella abortus 544 within Mdbk Cells

Huynh Tan Hop, Alisha Wehdnesday Bernardo Reyes, Lauren Togonon Arayan, Tran Xuan Ngoc Huy, Son Hai Vu, Wongi Min, Hu Jang Lee and Suk Kim

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Quality of Care of Sexual Reproductive Health Services in Antiretroviral Therapy Clinics Attended By Perinatally HIV-Infected Adolescents in Uganda

Scovia N Mbalinda, Noah Kiwanuka, Lars E.Eriksson and Dan K Kaye

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Artigo de revisão

The Conquest of Pus -- a History of Bitumen, Creosote and Carbolic Acid

Charles T. Ambrose

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Relato de caso

Liver Abscess Secondary to Fusobacterium nucleatum Infection in 15- year-old Male

Karen Hovsepyan*, Deepa Mukundan and Rajat Kaul

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Molecular Epidemiology of Dengue Virus Genotype Circulation in Tamil Nadu, India, 2011-2014

Senthil Raja Ramalingam Sathiyamurthy Karupannan, Padmapriya Padmanaban, Senthilkumar Vijayan, Khallefathullah Sheriff, Gunasekaran Palani1 and Kaveri Krishnasamy*

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