Jornal de Depressão e Ansiedade

Jornal de Depressão e Ansiedade
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2167-1044

Sintomas mistos e síndromes de ansiedade e depressão

Relato de caso

Repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) to improve Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) in Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Report of Two Cases

Maud Rotharmel*, Pierre Quesada, Vincent Compere and Olivier Guilllin

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Prevalence, Gender Differences and Associated Factors of Depression among Adults with Type 2 Diabetes, Jordan

Hyassat D, Al-Doseri S, Hashem J, Bani-Mustafa R, Mohammed El-Khateeb, Dalila B and Kamel A*

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Overlap of Postnatal Depression and Postcoital Dysphoria in Women- Implications for Common Underlying Mechanisms

Mehta D, Schweitzer RD and Maczkowiack J

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