Journal of Food: Microbiologia, Segurança e Higiene

Journal of Food: Microbiologia, Segurança e Higiene
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2476-2059

Volume 8, Emitir 12 (2023)

Artigo de comentário

Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Production of Fermented Foods

Christian Anumudu

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artigo de opinião

An Overview on Probiotics and Benefits of Probiotics on Human Health

Shakila M Banu

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Artigo de comentário

Role of Microorganisms and Enzymes in Fermentation

Zhao Chen

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artigo de opinião

Development of Microbial Starter Culture for Improved Flavours

Regina Nguyen

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artigo de perspectiva

Microbial Diversity in Milk Production and Vegetables Based Substitutes

Regina Nguyen

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Artigo de comentário

Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Production of Fermented Foods

Christian Anumudu

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artigo de opinião

An Overview on Probiotics and Benefits of Probiotics on Human Health

Shakila M Banu

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Artigo de comentário

Role of Microorganisms and Enzymes in Fermentation

Zhao Chen

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artigo de opinião

Development of Microbial Starter Culture for Improved Flavours

Regina Nguyen

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artigo de perspectiva

Microbial Diversity in Milk Production and Vegetables Based Substitutes

Regina Nguyen

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