Jornal da Leucemia

Jornal da Leucemia
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2329-6917

Volume 11, Emitir 4 (2023)


Identification and Diagnosis Involved in the Mechanism of Blood Cell Disorder

Ranna Rozenfeld

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Understanding the Side Effects Caused by Leukemia Treatment during its Therapy

Takagi Masatoshi

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Determining the Significance of Stem Cell Transplantation

Semsei Ágnes

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The Impact of Bone Marrow Encapsulation within the Cavaties of Bones on Hematopoiesis

Ceppi Francesco

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Hematologic Malignancies: Understanding the Complexities of Blood Cancers

Shi Fuji

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Identification and Diagnosis Involved in the Mechanism of Blood Cell Disorder

Ranna Rozenfeld

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Understanding the Side Effects Caused by Leukemia Treatment during its Therapy

Takagi Masatoshi

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Determining the Significance of Stem Cell Transplantation

Semsei Ágnes

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The Impact of Bone Marrow Encapsulation within the Cavaties of Bones on Hematopoiesis

Ceppi Francesco

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Hematologic Malignancies: Understanding the Complexities of Blood Cancers

Shi Fuji

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Relato de caso

O transplante renal é uma indicação relativa para pacientes com leucemia mieloide crônica (LMC) em remissão sustentada com imatinibe?

Tadahiko Tokumoto*, Kiyoshi Setoguchi, Kazutaka Saito

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Distribuição de leucemia mieloide e leucemia linfocítica na Jamaica 2008

Latim Mclish

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