Jornal de Imunologia Clínica e Celular

Jornal de Imunologia Clínica e Celular
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2155-9899

Volume 9, Emitir 2 (2018)

Artigo de Pesquisa

Inclusion of Seromarkers to Exclude Hepatitis B Virus Infection via Transfusion in Voluntary Blood Donors

Pushkala S, Geethalakshmi S and Gurunathan KS

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Artigo de revisão

Os efeitos salutogênicos do leite de vaca e dos produtos lácteos na doença celíaca

Lerner Aaron e Matthias Torsten

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Artigo de revisão

Bactérias do ácido láctico como vetores: uma nova abordagem para administração de vacinas na mucosa

Beenish Israr, Jaehan Kim, Sidra Anam e Faisal Rasheed Anjum

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Comunicação curta

Endorphins–A Novel Hidden Magic Holistic Healer

Shrihari TG

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Prevalence of and Associated Factors of Stunting among Adolescents in Tehuledere District, North East Ethiopia, 2017

Abay Woday, Yonatan Menber and Delelegn Tsegaye

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Artigo de revisão

Facilitating Cells: A Journey from Bench to Bedside

Andrea R Merchak, Anita Chhabra and Suzanne T Ildstad

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Artigo de revisão

Susceptibility Loci in C57BL/6 sle1, sle2 and sle3 Contain Genes that Alter Peripheral Selection of the CDR-H3 Sequences Enriched for Arginine

Mohamed Khass, Peter D Burrows and Harry W Schroeder

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