Jornal de Oftalmologia Clínica e Experimental

Jornal de Oftalmologia Clínica e Experimental
Acesso livre

ISSN: 2155-9570

Volume 6, Emitir 1 (2015)

Relato de caso

Orbital Myiasis (Dermatobia Hominis)Complicating Secondary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Medial Rectus Muscle

Rajendra P Maurya, Ishan Yadav, Virendra P. Singh, Mahendra K. Singh, Prashant Bhushan

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Baseline Cataract Status and 11-year Mortality: A Population-Based Study from a Mediterranean Population

Maria Pastor-Valero, Juan Jose Miralles-Bueno and Vicente Chaqués-Alepuz

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Purtscher-Like Retinopathy and Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage Caused by Soft Tissue Injection for Gluteal Augmentation

Laura C. Huang, Basil K Williams Jr, Audrey C Ko, Zohar Yehoshua, Chrisfouad R Alabiad

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Relato de caso

Assesment of Conjunctival Microangiopathy in a Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Using the Retinal Function Imager

Nicole Stuebiger, William Smiddy, Jianhua Wang, Hong Jiang and Delia Cabrera DeBuc

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Relato de caso

Traumatic Subconjunctival Dislocation of Fractured Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens by Cow Horn Injury

Rajendra P Maurya, Prashant Bhushan, Virendra P Singh, Mahendra K Singh, Prakash Kumar and Ishan yadav

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Relato de caso

Neurosyphilis Presenting Unilateral Oculomotor Nerve Palsy and Bilateral Pupil Involvement

Hye In Park and Sung Mo Kang

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Relato de caso

Pars Plana Vitrectomy with Air Tamponade for Optic Disc Pit Maculopathy: Swept-source Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging Findings and Surgical Approach: A Clinical Case

Pastor-Idoate S, Gil-Martinez M, Yau K, Biswas S, Lloyd IC and Stanga PE

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Frontalis Suspension Using Autogenous Fascia Lata versus Gore-tex Sheet for Treatment of Congenital Ptosis with Poor Levator Function

Sameh S Mandour, Hatem M Marey, Ghada Z Rajab

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Relato de caso

Ocular Leishmaniasis Presenting as Chronic Ulcerative Blepharoconjunctivitis: A Case Report

Fisseha Admassu Ayele, Yared Assefa Wolde, Tesfalem Hagos and Ermias Diro

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Dacryoendoscopy for Lacrimal Duct Obstruction Manifesting In Childhood

Heichel J, Bredehorn-Mayr T, Stuhltraeger U and Struck HG

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Successful Treatment of Postkeratoplasty Fungal Keratitis with Topical and Intrastromal Voriconazole

Maja Pauk-Gulić, Nikica Gabrić, Alma BišÄević, Adis Pašalić, Krunoslav Jagarić and Iva Dekaris

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Altered Expression and DNA Methylation Profiles of ERCC6 Gene in Lens Tissue from Age-Related Cortical Cataract

Yong Wang, Guowei Zhang, Fei Li, Lihua Kang, Jindong Ben, Han Rong, and Huaijin Guan

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Artigo de Pesquisa

Development and in vitro/in vivo Evaluation of Liposomal Gels for the Sustained Ocular Delivery of Latanoprost

Dina Fathalla, Ghareb M. Soliman and Ehab A. Fouad

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Relato de caso

Macular Hole Eruption after Pars Plana Vitrectomy

Paul Rainsbury, Emily Gosse and Jonathan Lochhead

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Relato de caso

An Unsual Case of Eyelid Leiomyosarcoma and Orbital Invasion with MRI Findings

Edgard Farah, Pierre-Vincent Jacomet, Mathieu Zmuda, Marc Putterman and Olivier Galatoire

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Artigo de revisão

Corneal Neovascularization: A Translational Perspective

Ferrari Giulio, Giacomini Chiara and Rama Paolo

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